Adam Pepper - Silverscreen
To help with our science Big Question, this half term, Year 5 have had the pleasure of inviting Mr. Pepper into class. Mr. Pepper taught us all about Space - the Moon landing. After completing numerous activities and watching the Apollo 11 footage, the children were able to take part in creating their very own moon landing short movie.
We hope you enjoy watching it, as much as we have.
Science - Parachute Investigation
In science we have been looking at forces and air resistance.
On Friday we carried out an investigation. In groups, the children created three different sized parachutes to test which size would reach the floor first. We ensured we made it a fair test by keeping certain aspects the same e.g. string length, equipment and the weight of the plasticine ball.
We discovered that the greater the surface area, the greater the air resistance.
English - Flotsam Trays
In English, we have been looking at the wordless book - Flotsam, in preparation of writing a persuasive advert.
To begin our unit, we looked at what 'Flotsam' was. We looked at different sand filled trays and discovered a rang of 'Flotsam' which had been washed ashore. We used our inference skills to infer who each tray belonged to, from the clues given and why we believed this.
Design and Technology - Bridges
In Design and Technology, we have been learning about Bridges.
We have identified different types of bridges e.g. truss, arch and beam and their purposes. Over the weeks, we have tested out different types of bridges, using a range of materials. We have created bridges using card, spaghetti and are now in the process of creating wooden bridges. Check back soon to see our final wooden bridge designs!
Skipping Workshop
Today, along with the rest of the school, Year 5 participated in a skipping workshop.
The children learned different individual skipping techniques, as well as paired and grouped techniques. We ended the day with a whole school skipping assembly, where some of our children were able to show off the amazing and intricate techniques and skills they had learned.
A huge thank you to Lizzie for our wonderful skipping workshop!
Mini First Aiders
To begin the year, year 5 participated in a mini first aid course.
The children learned how to put someone into the recovery position, how to administer CPR, using chest compressions, to both a child and adult, as well as how to apply the Heimlich maneuverer correctly, when someone is choaking.
The class thoroughly enjoyed learning about first aid and worked sensibly throughout the session.