The School Book3 April 2020 (by J Walmsley (mr walmsley)) |
The latest update of the school book is now available online.
The latest update of the school book is now available online.
Today, it is a parent's view of home schooling and how their household is coping with the huge change.
I must say a massive thank you to everyone that has contributed so far. Our plan is to turn it into a real book once we return to school.
It would be good to hear from the children as well so, if you could encourage them to write about what they have been up to and their thoughts and feelings about these strange times (even if they are loving it, we would like to know), it would be hugely appreciated.
Thank you once again to everyone that has taken part so far and I hope you all have a good Easter holiday - well within the current restrictions anyway!
Mr Walmsley