FS2 Home Learning Week 230 March 2020 (by Miss Gill (sheep)) |
You can find the activities for Week 2 on the Sheep Class page of the website.
Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and staying safe! Thank you to those families who have managed to put some of the children’s work onto Evidence Me. It’s fantastic to see what the children have been doing!
I have uploaded some additional work for this week that you can view on the website by clicking the link below. Please remember if you have any problems, questions or just want to let me know what you are up to my email is l.smith@stonebroom.derbyshire.sch.uk
Can I also remind you that the annual Easter Egg competition is STILL going ahead this year. When you have finished your design, please take a photo of it and e-mail it to me so that I can post it onto the school website. I am really looking forward to seeing them!
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank you for supporting your children the best way that you can during this difficult time, you are doing an amazing job!
Take care of each other!
Miss Smith