Nursery23 February 2019 (by Mrs Beresford (monkeys)) |
I hope you have all had a wonderful half term break.
I hope you've all been enjoying the recent sunshine - it is definitely beginning to feel like Spring! This term we are going to be learning all about Spring and all of the amazing changes that happen during this time. We will be looking at the changing weather and how the plants are beginning to grow. We will be learning all about Spring time animals and what happens in the life cycle of a frog and a butterfly.
We have some very exciting activities planned for the children to take part in. Please help your children by asking them what they have been learning and by looking for signs of Spring as you are out and about.
If you would like to see some of the activities that we will be doing please visit our planning page at the link below.
Thank you.
Best wishes
Mrs Beresford