Year 3 - Brass Assembly14 February 2019 (by Mrs Marsh (koalas)) |
What a fantastic class assembly!
Yesterday, Year 3 performed to the rest of the school. The children have been learning to play the trumpet since September.
The children sang lots of songs, including ‘Hey my name is Joe’ and ‘Peter Pan’ – ensuring that they kept a steady beat. They also sang the alphabet, using the correct hand signals.
They then played ‘Be a Dude’ and ‘Hot Cross Buns’ on their trumpets.
We then finished off singing with a round to ‘There was an Old Man called Michael Finnegan’.
Thank you to all the parents/carers that attended – it was lovely to see so many of you there.
Join us again, in the summer term to see what else we have learnt!
Click on the link below to see out photos.