Spelling homework - Mr Walmsley's group.10 October 2018 (by J Walmsley (mr walmsley)) |
I just want to let you know that this week's spelling homework for my group is slightly different to normal.
The children's next set of words are quite tricky and they are finding them difficult to read confidently. Therefore, they have been given a grid with the 15 spelling words on and I would like them to read the words to an adult (or older sibling) every night. Should they say the word correctly, then please give the word a little tick. If the word is read incorrectly, please give it a dot.
They also have a wordsearch, but this is optional. I will reward them with dojos if they choose to complete the extra work.
If you have any issues or concerns, please come and speak to me.
Thank you for your continued help and support.
Mr Walmsley