Year 6 Stars29 November 2024 (by Craig Moss (sharks)) |
Year 6 - Super Stars online.
Hi all, we have had a busy week preparing for the 'Winter Fayre.' This has involved creating items to sell at the fayre, details of these will be sent home with your child, writing a persuasive letter to encourage people (parents) to purchased said items and next week there will be a selection of excel maths lessons to determine how much profit is made. On that note, each class is in a friendly competition to determine who has made the most money for the school's enrichment fund; the most successful class will be given a cash price to spend.
Please note, there is no obligation to purchase any of your child's items. Any that aren't purchased through the pre-sale scheme will be moved to the stall on the day of the fayre.
Thank you in advance for reading your child's letter and supporting the class/school.
Also, this week's stars are on the web page to viewed. Please take a look.