Elephants- Reminders4 October 2024 (by Miss Rowland (elephants)) |
A few reminders for Elephant class.
Wow Elephants, it is so lovely to hear how well you have settled into Year One and I have heard about and and seen some of your amazing work that you have completed with Miss Hilton and Mrs Horner.
I would like to say a huge thank you to you parents for being so understanding and kind during my time off- it has allowed me to focus on family and has reconfirmed why I love working in such a special community; you are all wonderful. That being said, I am so excited to get back to the classroom and spend time with your fabulous children. I will be teaching in class next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning, before returning to my usual hours the week after. I have been working and planning with Miss Hilton and Mrs Horner over the last few weeks, therefore there will be continuity and progression as I take over to ensure the best possible outcomes for your children. At the end of next week, I plan on sharing photos on the website of what we get up to!
Here are a few reminders of dates for your diary:
Thursday 17th October- Pirate day in Year One. Children can come to school dressed as a pirate. We will be completing Geography and Art activities and having lots of fun!
Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd October- Parents evenings. This will be an opportunity to meet myself and discuss what your child will be working on next half term. I look forward to getting to know you all.
Wednesday 23rd October- Final phonics pet homework for this half term needs to be handed in. I am so pleased to hear about your engagement with this so far!
Thursday 24th October- Children can come to school dressed in a Halloween costume. The spooky sponsored walk will take place this day and we will also be fitting in our phonics pet homework treat!
Friday 25th October- INSET day.
Thank you again for your support. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me - k.rowland@stonebroom-cnet.org
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Rowland