Monkeys - Nursery Class2 June 2024 (by Mrs Beresford (monkeys)) |
Summer 2 - Big Question
Hello Everyone!
I hope you have all had a lovely half term break!
I can't quite believe we have just 7 weeks left until we break up for the summer holidays and our older children will be moving on to their chosen reception classes!
Our final big question for this academic year is "What might you find at the sea side?"
This term we will be focusing on Understanding the World, looking specifically at areas of Georgraphy and learning about our planet, our country and different countries around the world.
We will learn what a holiday is and spend time discussing the up-coming summer hoidays.
We will talk about journeys and how to prepare for a journey. We will link this to the journey our older children will be making as they transition in to their new year group.
The children will learn how to keep safe on holiday. We will learn about the importance of suntan cream and water safety.
Please follow the link below to find lots of information about our new big question, including our medium-term plan, our sticky vocab, our knowledge organiser and ideas to help your child at home.
If you would like to contribute or add anything to our work this term, please speak with a member of the nursery team.
A quick reminder that we are on INSET tomorrow and the children return to school on Tuesday 4th June.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back.
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Mrs Beresford and the Nursery Team