Elephants- Summer 129 March 2024 (by Miss Rowland (elephants)) |
Who would have lived in a medieval castle?
Firstly, I would like to thank the children for their hard work this term and I wish you all a wonderful Easter break full of lots of fun (and chocolate!)
Next half term we will be answering one of my favourite questions of the year, 'Who would have lived in a medieval castle?'
We have many exciting learning experiences planned including parent workshops (24th April) and a medieval dress up day (16th May)
If you follow the link below, you will find an overview of what we will be learning, our sticky vocabulary and the knowledge organiser that was sent home earlier this week.
Finally, this term is our last opportunity to revise all of our phonemes we have worked so hard to learn this year in preparation for our screening check. As I mentioned at parents evening, children will be awarded a merit each time they practice their phonics flashcards at home. If you have misplaced your flashcards that were sent home in October, then please contact me by email- k.rowland@stonebroom.derbyshire.sch.uk
Have a wonderful holiday and myself and Mrs Horner look forward to seeing you when we return!
Miss Rowland