Koala Forest School16 October 2023 (by Mrs Marsh (koalas)) |
Forest school dates for this half term
Due to the last two weeks being busy with various things, this has had an impact on our Forest School sessions. Therefore there will be no Forest School on Tuesday 17th October and there will be no session on Thursday 26th October 2023. If your child normally has a session on one of these days, please do not send them in with their kit.
Also a reminder that its is our Ancient Egyptian Day on Thursday 26th October 2023. I will be sending further information about this later on today. We are inviting the children to dress up for the day, however please do not feel that you have to and please do not spend lots on outfits. I will send through some ideas later on.
Thank you for a great half term, your children are working extremely hard in all areas.
Mrs Bainbridge