Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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High Street, Stonebroom, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 6JY | Headteacher: Mrs A Sweeney

01773 872449

Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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  1. News
  2. Elephants - Year 1
  3. Elephants- Pirate party day

Elephants- Pirate party day

12 October 2023 (by Miss Rowland (elephants))

What a super day in Elephant class!

We have had a fantastic pirate day in Elephant class- a huge thank you to parents for providing such wonderful costumes. We started the day with some games of pirate bingo- the children got very competitive! We then learnt about the parts of a pirate ship and went in the hall to make a big pirate ship of our own including the stern, bow, mast, flag, sail and gun ports. After break we looked at some pirate portraits from various artists and then created our own with oil pastels. Some of us decided to give our pirates beards, beads in our hair and even shark tooth earrings. After dinner we learnt about the jobs on a pirate ship and play cherades. We then went in the hall for our party. We ate party food, played games and participated in the pirate olympics! Take a look at some pictures by following the link below.