YEAR 6: Leiden Trip 202419 September 2023 (by Mrs Marsh (Dragons)) |
Information about the 2024 trip to Leiden is now available.
We will be running the Leiden trip from Wednesday 5th June- Friday 7th June 2024. The itinerary and arrangements outlined in the interest letter (click HERE for the interest letter) will remain the same including the final price of £240.00 per child.
To secure your child’s place, please now complete the online form by scanning in the QR code or clicking on the link below and pay the non-refundable deposit of £60 by Monday 2nd October. This item will soon be live on ParentPay. We would also like to request that the remaining balance is paid in instalments and that you pay within the following timeframes:
- Friday 1st December - £60
- Friday 16th February - £60
- Monday 15th April - £60
Shortly after the 2nd October, we will confirm that your child has a place on the trip and provide you with more information about parent meetings, collective passports applications and other pre-visit information.
If you require any further information, please contact school.