Monkeys - Nursery Class2 September 2023 (by Mrs Beresford (monkeys)) |
Welcome back!!
Good morning everyone!
We hope that you have had a fantastic summer!
We are looking forward to welcoming back our children and are also very excited to meet our new starters over the next few weeks.
I have added some important information about our nursery and our plans for the first half term to our class page on the school website.
Our Nursery is also known as the MONKEYS class and information can be accessed by clicking on the Monkeys tab under class pages, under pupils!
You can also find our class page by following the link below.
During the first few weeks of term we will spend time getting to know all about our children and work on building good relationships with our children and families.
Each term we have a big question as a focus to our learning. Our first big question for this year is Who lives in my house?
Just a quick reminder that our current children will return on Wednesday 6th September and our new starters have been allocated a start date. If anyone has forgotten their date or time, please get in touch.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are always available at the start and end of nursery sessions and via phone or email during the school day.
Thank you.
Best wishes,
The Nursery Team