Shark class - end of year production22 July 2023 (by Craig Moss (sharks)) |
Shark class - end of year production video
Hi all, I would like to update you on the progress of the end of year production video. We have encountered major problems when trying to edit and present the video due to its sheer size. Mrs Marshall has kindly spent hours of her own time to try and resolve the issues but to no avail. We have now enlisted the services of a visual expert to see if he can alleviate the issues in order to get it to stage where it can be offered to view. I apologise for any inconvenience caused by this and assure you that everything in our power is being done to conclude this problem appropriately.
As a side note, I would like to take this opportunity to say how fantastic your children are; Mrs Horner and I have worked with the class for the last two years and we are so proud of every single one of them. They are a credit to you and we wish each and everyone of them the best of luck in the future!
Mr. Moss