Meerkats - Summer 25 June 2023 (by Mr Scott (meerkats)) |
Our final term in Year 2!
We only have one more term in Year 2 before the current meerkat mob move up to Key Stage 2! You can see our planning for the next 7 weeks if you click on the link below which takes you to our class website page. Our final Big Question is ‘How does the Wildlife Park help animals?’. On the website you will also find our sticky vocabulary, knowledge organiser (a paper copy was handed out before half-term) and our final class timetable. If you navigate over to the ‘Letters’ page, you will find the latest Meerkat mail newsletter.
Things to note:
P.E. is on Friday this half-term and we will be learning more tennis skills with Johnny.
Forest School continues on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday group will be going as normal this week.
Your pre-learning task was handed out and went live on SeeSaw before half-term. I look forward to seeing your habitats. These should be completed by June 16th please.
I look forward to seeing you back in class tomorrow!
Mr Scott