Elephants- Phonics16 April 2023 (by Miss Rowland (elephants)) |
I hope the children have had a lovely break and are ready for another super term in Year One!
As you are aware, the phonics screening check is fast approaching (week commencing 12th June) therefore this coming term we will be spending lots of time revising all the sounds the children have learnt this year and ensuring that the children are as confident and prepared as they can be!
Their phonics pet homework will be slightly different this term. Instead of focusing on one sound each week, I will be sending home an example screening check each week. I would like you to get the children to read each word to you, draw on the sound buttons and identify whether it is a real or nonsense word. If there are any words your child struggles to read, I would like you to put a star next to them and then revisit them during the week.
A reminder that I am still giving out merits for videos posted on SeeSaw of children reading their flashcards- I am amazed by how fluent the children are on the videos I have received so far!
Children were also given a bookmark with their sound gaps on before their holidays- keep revisiting these as practice makes perfect!
Thank you for all your support with phonics this year- it really does show in the fantastic progress of the children!
I look forward to seeing the children tomorrow.
Miss Rowland