Elephants- Notices28 March 2023 (by Miss Rowland (elephants)) |
Just a few notices...
Firstly, I would like to say thank you to the parents who attended parents evening- it was lovely to catch up with you all and share with you the progress that your children are making.
- A reminder that the final phonics pet homework of the term must be in tomorrow. Those children who have completed all of their homework this term will be taking part in a treat with Bolsover Sports Thursday afternoon, playing lots of fun games!
- I have handed out bookmarks at parents evening with the phonics sounds your children need to work on in the coming weeks. If you did not attend, I will ensure your child's bookmark goes home with them tomorrow.
- If children would like to participate in the school egg competition, they can bring these in Thursday or Friday.
Thank you for another super term. I am really enjoying teaching your children and working with yourselves this year.
Miss Rowland