Year 5: National Space Centre Trip (14th December)13 December 2022 (by Miss Johal (dragons)) |
Tomorrow we will be visiting the National Space Centre (14th December 2022).
Children need to be in school for 8.30am. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their uniform and brings their packed lunch with them. For those who require a packed lunch from school, this will be distributed to them when they arrive to school in the morning. They may bring some spending money with them, but no more than £5 please as your child is responsible for keeping this money safe. We should arrive back school no later than 4.30pm. Should our arrival time back to school be any earlier, we will notify you. The children are really looking forward to this trip, and it would not be taking place without your support - so thank you.
Any questions feel free to see me!
Miss J