New Reception Starters28 June 2022 (by Mrs Beresford (monkeys)) |
Transition Lunch
Good evening everyone,
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday 29th June) is our transition lunch for the children starting in the Reception class in September.
If you have booked a dinner please arrive at school for 11.45am. Parents and children will enter the school building up the main ramp.
If your child is in our morning nursery they will come out to you as normal at the end of nursery.
If your child is in our afternoon nursery they may be brought to nursery as soon as you both have finished your lunch.
Children who do not attend our nursery are due to spend the morning in the Sheep class with Miss. Gill. They should arrive at 8.55am. Miss Gill will collect the children from the front playground and take them inside the school building.
The transition lunch is aimed at helping your child settle quickly in September and to help them familiarise themselves with our lunch time routine.
The Early Years staff will be on hand if you should have any questions or concerns.
We hope you find the event enjoyable and useful.
Kind regards,
(EYFS Coordinator)