Sheep Class 21/2229 July 2021 (by Miss Gill (sheep)) |
The Reception team are busy getting the classroom ready for September! We are so excited to make the classroom special for the new starters.
We are currently in the process of setting up the classroom for September. We want the children to feel welcome and comfortable in their new classroom from the first day. As part of this, we would like to set up a small world area with images that are familiar to the children. We would really appreciate if you could email a picture of the house that your child lives in so that we can use them in the children’s play (see photo above). We hope that when the children arrive on their first day and see the images that are familiar to them, they will feel more relaxed and comfortable in the setting. We also want to make the classroom personal to the children as it will their learning space for the academic year.
Once the children have started school we plan to add photos of the children to the small world area so that they can act out stories with their own characters.
Please email photos as soon as possible to
Thank you for your support.
Miss Gill