Nursery - Easter Fun!1 April 2021 (by Mrs Beresford (monkeys)) |
We have had an absolutely fantastic four weeks at nursery this term! We have been extremely busy, making sure not a minute was wasted!
The children have worked really hard and all children have made super progress! We wanted to share with you some of the fun Easter activities that we have been doing in this last week of term.
Please follow the link below to see what we have been up to.
We have had fun baking Easter buns, making Easter cards, going on an egg hunt and food tasting hot cross buns!
The children have also been super busy at home making Easter bonnets and egg models to take part in the whole school competition!
We want to say a huge thank you and well done for all of the hard work and for the contribution both children and adults have made this term.
Children's individual learning journeys are now available to view through your Evidence Me account. If you have any problems logging on please get in touch. Thank you.
We wish you all a very Happy Easter!
From the Nursery Team.