Merit Badges - 19th March 202119 March 2021 (by admin) |
We presented more merit badges today - many of which were earned during lockdown.
Whilst the bronze, silver and gold badges are linked to behaviour, merits are awarded for outstanding effort & achievement in all areas of the curriculum—this could be maths, writing, P.E., computing, artwork etc. When a child has earned 25 merits, they are awarded with a green merit badge. Once a child has received their green badge, they can work towards their blue badge (50 merits), yellow badge (75 merits) and red badge (100 merits.)
Many of the merit badges awarded today were earned during lockdown. The children keep these badges - they do not need to be handed back at the end of the year.
Congratulations to these children - their attitude towards their own learning is superb. We are really proud of them.
Follow the link to the merit badges page of the school website: