SCHOOL CLOSED TOMORROW (Tuesday 5th January 2021)4 January 2021 (by admin) |
Details of opening arrangements following the Prime Minister's announcement.
Following the Prime Minister's announcement this evening, I would like to inform you that school will be closed to ALL pupils tomorrow (Tuesday 5th January 2021). Work will be set online for all pupils from Reception to Year 6.
School will reopen on Wednesday 6th January 2021 to the children of 'critical workers' and children who are classed as 'vulnerable'. The number of critical worker places is limited due to staffing, resources and space, therefore we are asking parents to call school between 10am and 12noon tomorrow (Tuesday) to register their interest in reserving a place. We will confirm places and numbers tomorrow afternoon.
It is a Government expectations that any child who is not attending school will be expected to complete the online learning on a daily basis. The work is set by the class teacher who will ensure that it is accessible to your child. School will contact you should your child not be accessing the online work to ask you how we can support your child further with their learning. We will send out further expectations later in the week.