Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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High Street, Stonebroom, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 6JY | Headteacher: Mrs A Sweeney

01773 872449

Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

Welcome to Stonebroom Primary & Nursery School. Please take some time to browse our website and find out all about us.

  1. News
  2. Monkeys - Nursery Class
  3. Nursery - Welcome to Evidence Me

Nursery - Welcome to Evidence Me

20 September 2020 (by Mrs Beresford (monkeys))

I just wanted to say a big well done and thank you to all of our Nursery children!

I have been very impressed with how well the children have adapted to the new restrictions and now come into nursery without their parents! All children have settled beautifully and we couldn't be prouder!

I have now added all parents to our Evidence Me communication app using the email addresses given to me. Could I please ask that if you haven't done so already that you check your emails to activate your Evidence Me account. This applies mainly to our new parents. 

We are very excited to be able to share with you the work our children have been doing this term and we will be sending regular updates through Evidence Me, so it is very important that your account is up and running.

If you are having difficulty activating your account please speak to me at the beginning or end of nursery and I will try to help you with this.

Thank you and best wishes.

Mrs Beresford