Below are some details about our pre-learning task for our next Big Question 'What would it be like to live in Japan?' There are 2 tasks and your child has been given a paper copy along with some coloured paper for the origami. Below are details about the Origami Challenge and some origami instructions to help you.
This task should be completed by Friday 17th January if you wish to receive dojos, merits or even a prize!
As we no longer use SeeSaw as our homework platform, home learning tasks will be sent home on paper. Sometimes details and presentations will be shared on this Homework page.
Home learning expectations in Year 2 are as follows:
A homework task will be set on a Friday and will now be on paper (this will usually be maths). Homework should be completed by the following Friday to the standard expected in class.
Miss Fenlon will be running Homework Club and this now takes place straight after school on Mondays and finishes at 4.15 pm. If you wish to sign up, you can do so on Parent Pay.
A spellings list will also be given out each Friday which will link to our phonics and SPaG sessions this term. We will test the spellings each Friday that we learnt the previous week.
To continue the great phonics work you did in Year 1, you will have a piece of homework in your Reading Buddy bag that needs to be completed each week. This will be set on a Thursday. Every term we will have a class treat for pupils who complete their Reading Buddy tasks. The task will be a short reading activity to get you prepared for your Year 2 comprehension later in the Year. Be sure to complete each task! It will really help your learning!
It is also expected that pupils will be reading at least 3 times a week at home and this should be logged in their Reading Record. It makes a huge difference in the progress children make across the curriculum if they read at home! A Star Reader will be chosen each week from those who have read at least 3 times out of school that week and we will also have a reading raffle. Hopefully all pupils will be our Star Reader at some point this year!
I will be keeping a record of homework completed. If any pupil is having difficulty completing homework let me know and we will do whatever we can to sort it out. Homework and home reading really do help with the progress pupils make each year in school and if we work together all of the Marvellous Meerkats can have a great Year 2 and make good progress.
If ou have any queries or questions, I can be contacted at the following email address:
Our next Pre-Learning Task!